Autodesk: ReCap X African Fossils
This interactive timeline, powered by Autodesk's ReCap® Pro, curates a Cloud–generated database of 3D archeological specimens dating back 20 million years. This partnership with Louise Leaky, the Stony Brooks foundation, and Autodesk showcases ReCap's ability to "democratize" reality capture.
Creative Direction
Enterprise Cross Marketing
User Interface
Concept Design
I worked with Autodesk on the launch of ReCap® Pro, a cloud–connected app with advanced features to generate geo–located textured meshes, point clouds, and orthographic photos. It also has powerful tools for high–quality mesh creation, viewing and editing.
I worked directly with the engineers to build tools and UI for the software, but when it came time to market the software, I looked for cross–marketing opportunities that would bring interest and engagement to this new platform.
Asa result, Autodesk partnered with Louise Leakey, a renowned archeologist who used the software to image real artifacts from her dig sites, and archive them as 3D specimens on the cloud. A timeline seemed like the perfect activation to showcase both the software and Louise's critical work.
What is ReCap Pro ?
ReCap® Pro software helps designers and engineers capture high quality, detailed models of real–world assets. Use ReCap Pro to:
Cloud computing makes Autodesk's ReCap highly accessible to engineers, architects, designers, and anthropologists alike who lack leading–edge hardware in the field, allowing them to create high quality meshes out of real world objects — using anything from mobile to UAV photography.
Users can enhance insights with reality capture data, use laser scans and photographs to generate accurate intelligent models that support a wide range of use cases in architecture, engineering, construction (AEC), and beyond.
Using ReCap Photo, a service of ReCap Pro, you can generate geo–located textured meshes, point clouds, and ortho–photos of existing conditions from drone or UAV–captured data to help speed up Pre–Design and Programming.
Beyond enterprise use, the enormous accessibility implications and project crossover with African Fossils was compelling to me, posing a tough cross–functional challenge, and delivering an intriguing piece of cross–marketing.
Understanding the nuances of Autodesk's software and the scale and dynamics of African Fossil's use–case helped me deliver a better experience for each project — showcasing the software, while getting customers interested in its many uses through the lens of archeology and time.