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FOR-Site Foundation



ID system, web, collateral, physical and AR experience concepts for The For-site Foundation.  Established in 2003, the FOR–SITE Foundation is dedicated to the creation, understanding, and presentation of art about place, hosts  artist residencies, and features installations by artists such as Andy Goldsworthy.

Creative Direction
Augmented Reality


Gamifying Art in Nature

I visited the For–site foundation in Nevada City for a simple brief: make a map of the property.  I explored the art installations arranged along the trails — world class pieces not quite hidden, not quite meant to be found outright.  I stayed in the guest house to get a feel for the artist resident and guest experiences. 


All together, it's a truly special place where you can move freely and discover the space for yourself bit by bit.  There's a gamification and adventure to the property that I wanted to address: a feeling that you might find, or miss, anything.

The native artwork is deeply tied to the topography, nestled amid the dense forest, high peaks, granite domes, and clear water of the Sierra Nevada foothills. 


Beyond creating a navigation system, I wanted to create an ID that connected to the experience which is so different than the Haines Gallery back in San Francisco — to build topography and musicality into the logotype itself. 


The UV map, personalized guest / field–book, and blend of physical and AR experiences are intended to enhance what is already a high concept: fine art in the wild, both staged and hidden.

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