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An EV Motorcycle and an Energy Ecosystem

Strategy, identity, video and photography art direction, web, and general brand-building for a promising electric motorcycle with a modular power pack.

Creative Direction

Video Art Direction
Brand Strategy
Identity Systems
Web Design


ID System


Web Direction


Distributed Power

Photography Direction


Photography Art Direction

Photography Style Guide



LAND was founded on the principal that energy continuity and mobility are essential to modern life.


LAND offers more than a motorcycle product, but an energy ecosystem, based around an evolutionary "hot swap" power platform: CORE.  

The CORE powers devices from anywhere, allowing them to "untether" from the traditional power grid. 

"Mobility is one of the foundations of our prosperity."

-Franz Müntefering


Mobility has always been one of my core competencies.  When I began consulting with LAND's owner, the company had not given their vision, purpose, or strategy much thought.  As compelling as the EV space is,  people don't need more stuff. 


They don't need more cars and bikes—even good looking ones.  They need tribes they can join, support, and feel supported by.  They want products that answer the question: "How will this brand change me?" 


Beyond brand strategy, ID systems, film and photography direction, answering this question was my key contribution to LAND and its tech platform, DISTRIBUTED POWER—an idea that promises to unplug people from the grid, increase their mobility, self-reliance, and engage their rebellious spirit.

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